Monday, April 14, 2008

Lipstick Tube Art

I have a problem buying makeup. I have quite a bit of makeup that I will never, ever, use, because using it would ruin the pretty design. Most recently I bought the new Relvon "A Floral Affair", the color looks like it is perfect for me, but I'll never find out because one
 swipe of a blush brush and the pretty embossed design would be ruined forever.
I have a powder compact from Physcian's Formula that I can never use, because I can't bear to ruin the design with Marilyn Monroe's face on it.
So, I really prefer products with pretty PACKAGING to those where the product itself is decorative.
I'm noticing decorative lipstick tubes everywhere recently, I'm hoping this trend keeps up, because some of these designs make the product into miniature, collectable works of art.

First, from Cargo (off topic, but they make a great blush), we have Planet Love lipstick:

"A lipstick tube made entirely out of corn - a renewable and abundant resource. This environmentally-friendly innovation also emits less greenhouse gases, which many scientists believe to be the major cause of global warming. The outer carton is made of flower paper embedded with real flower seeds. Simply moisten, plant, and wait for a bouquet of wild flowers to grow!"
How awesome is that? I think it is just crazy- almost the equivalent of a lipstick tube you could eat once the lipstick is gone. Except, with pretty design printed on each tube, I'd be saving mine.

Next, from Paul & Joe, check out their 2008 spring collection's packaging:

Such pretty designs, I had a bit of a hard time finding a shop that sells these. 
One online store has their products, including the ones pictures above. 

Besame Cosmetics has their exquisite little gold lipstick cases that could make anyone feel glamorous:

I'm in love with MAC's Fafi line, a lot of the colors are sold out on their site by now, but not HighTop, my new favorite lipstick color.

It looks more orchid-ish in the picture, but on my lips it is a cool gray-purple with aqua-blue shimmer. The art on the tube is great, the Fafinette featured on the package is Eriko, I love her orange hair.
Their Heatherette line has some nice packaging, too. I'm not into Heatherette- a lot of their designs just make me cringe- but I'm glad to see that they're not just using boring black tubes.
I'm very excited about the upcoming MAC LE lines (THANK YOU, such a great resource for sneak-peaks).

The orange tubes of their Neo Sci-Fi collection are making my mouth water....